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Whistler - Seaducer Style Whistler Fly - SaltwaterFlies.Com


Whistler #4/0 Black Death
Whistler #4/0 Black Death

There are many times when a classic fly pattern remains the best tool for the job, and the Whistler continues to be a very effective saltwater fly for a variety of fishing situations. We have recently revised our versions of this long-established pattern to feature a blend of natural and synthetic materials for great action in the water, a variety of sizes, and some winning color combinations. These flies are called Whistlers because the large bead chain eyes make a whistling sound when cast - this same dynamic causes these flies to give off sound vibrations under water, helping fish key in on the fly and strike. The big #4/0 flies are a favorite for giant jungle tarpon and snook, striped bass, barramundi, and redfish and also for bruiser freshwater species like peacock bass and northern pike. The smaller #2/0's and #1/0's will suit situations that call for a smaller, lighter fly, like backcountry fishing. The smallest size #2's are great for baby tarpon; the Cream/White in this size is a great snook fly. The #1/0 White/Green Grizzly color is an alternate style of tie made with a craft fur tail and rabbit fur collar for lots of action in a small package! As with all of our hand-tied flies, supplies are limited, so order early for best selection. Scroll down below the ordering links to see photos of the various color/size combos.

#4/0          PRICE: $12.95/ea
Black Death Temporarily out of stock
Blurple Temporarily out of stock
Red/Yellow Add to Cart
Chartreuse/Grizzly Temporarily out of stock
Hot Pink/Grizzly Temporarily out of stock

#2/0          PRICE: $10.95/ea
Black Death Temporarily out of stock
Blurple Temporarily out of stock
Red/Yellow Temporarily out of stock
Pink/Grizzly Temporarily out of stock
Chartreuse/Grizzly Temporarily out of stock

#1/0          PRICE: $9.95/ea
Black Death Add to Cart
Blurple Add to Cart
Pink/Grizzly Temporarily out of stock

#2          PRICE: $8.95/ea
Black Death Add to Cart
Blurple	Add to Cart
Cream/White Add to Cart

#1/0          PRICE: $6.95/ea
White/Green Grizzly Add to Cart

Tied in the USA on the strong, sharp Gamakatsu SL12 hooks in #4/0, #2/0, and #1/0. The #4/0 flies are about 6 inches (15 cm) long . The #2/0 flies are approximately 4 1/2 inches (11 cm) long. #1/0 flies are approximately 3 1/2 inches (9 cm) long. Similar flies: Tarpon Dredger

Whistler #4/0 Blurple
Whistler #4/0 Blurple

Whistler #4/0 Red/Yellow
Whistler #4/0 Red/Yellow

Whistler #4/0 Chartreuse/Grizzly
Whistler #4/0 Chartreuse/Grizzly

Whistler #4/0 Hot Pink/Grizzly
Whistler #4/0 Hot Pink/Grizzly

Whistler #1/0 Tan/Grizzly
Whistler #1/0 Tan/Grizzly

Whistler flies
Whistler: #1/0 White/Green Grizzly

double trouble

Doubled Up!

Note: All of the Saltwater Flies that we sell are handcrafted items - some small variations in size, color, or shape from the flies pictured here are possible. Because these are handcrafted items, quantities are limited. We guarantee your satisfaction with any fly purchased from us - if any fly you order from us does not meet your expectations, you may return it (unfished!) for a full refund.

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P.O. BOX 362, HOUSATONIC, MA 01236
413 274-6143 * Fax 413 274-0145

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